Sunday, February 3, 2008

How to Calcualte Your "Portability" Tax Savings

Now that the tax savings initiative has been passed by Florida voters all homeowner who have been "trapped" in their homes because they would have to give up their lower real estate taxes and pay double, triple or quadruple their old tax bill for any new home they bought can now calculate what, if anything, they may save under the new tax provisions. True to form for politicians, the new provisions were made so complex that an IRS bureaucrat would totally adore them but, for some very strange reason, actually has a "portability S.O.H. tax savings" calculator on its website that does the math for you. Just go to and go to PROPERTY SEARCH then search for your home address and when your information comes up you will see an option in the menu to the left that says: PORTABILITY S.O.H. CALCULATOR click on that and follow the instructions.